What is Reiki?

Why consider this Self-care method for building resilience during stressful times?

Reiki is a meditative healing technique that combines body, mind, and spirit - awareness, openness to Chi/prana, universal life-force energy through breath, and visualization as well. Reiki can be learned and practiced by anyone, to gather energy to help yourself with healing, processing and clearing, what emotions and memories are sitting (stagnant vs free flowing) in the body.

Reiki can be accessed in a 1:1 session or a group setting, making it more affordable per person and as a blended group experience in a soundbath, gongwash or other meditation journey or Reiki share.

The experienced Reiki practitioner offers universal energy to hold space for you or the group (with compassionate listening and non-judgement of various experiences) while helping support you to do your inner work - to open up to areas within the body-mind that were possibility “blocked” or hidden/ inaccessible, or repressed due to unable to be processed at the time or trauma, accident, etc. In this evolving way, Reiki and other energetic healing modalities, blends and methods - should be considered a partnership between you, the guide and Spirit or the energy leading the way to open the pathway to healing and deeper connection with the self and Spirit/Universe/All that is/ insert how applies and compliments your belief in a higher power/God, etc.

Reiki and/or Energy Healing methods are Holistic Healing which is intended to complement, not replace, your care by a professional medical team and treatment through a mental health provider. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns or would like a referral.

UPCOMING - Intro to Reiki or 1:1 Reiki training, waitlist and pkg options

Intro to Reiki: Energy Healing for Self-Care - Mon, 4/7 at 7-8:30pm

Join us in a small group setting to experience an introduction to Reiki Energy Healing for your own self-care, boundaries and awareness. We’ll discuss what Reiki is, what it does to help your body and how to use it for yourself or with others. This experience includes a guided meditative journey inward for healing your energy body.

WAITLIST for Group Reiki I & II Training: Please email holisticjen9@gmail.com to be added to the waitlist for Reiki I, Reiki II or combo Reiki I & II workshop training - mention day of week/weekend availability. When there’s 4 people ready for a class that matches availability -the date will be confirmed. Typical daytime class options, weekday: 9:30a-3pm or weekend 10-2:30p / 12-4:30pm

Reiki Training workshop and Attunement description:

Reiki is a Japanese term for a system of energy work or laying on of the hands, which basically translates to "spiritually guided life force energy".
* Learn techniques for reducing everyday stress and anxiety.
* Review the chakra system and sensing aura/energy output surrounding the body. * Review cord cutting and energy clearing techniques.
* Learn to maintain your personal energy and boundaries when working with others! (Especially helpful for those who work in hospice, any public or social services, massage, volunteering, etc...)
* Discover how your breath and energy awareness assist your body's own healing processes and calms your nervous system.

* Begin or reset/continue Self-Care practices.
* Experience the vibration of crystal singing bowls and a Gong during a guided meditation prior to energetic attunement. This opens your central channel for increasing the flow of energy in and out of your body and helps to clear your chakras over a 3wk period.
- Handouts given, plus Q & A time.
- Attunement and certificate included (emailed after class).
- Bring a light lunch or snack, if desired. Water, tea, and some light snacks available.
- - > Pre-requisites: Review any Reiki I book before class. Training is hands-on, as experience is key for incorporating Reiki with confidence and encouraging a self-development habit.
Investment $295 Group class (approx. 4.5 hrs, with practice on other participants, plus support available during 3wk attunement clearing)

or $375 for 1:1 class (approx 3 hrs plus support during 3wk attunement clearing and custom rate for further integration support, if desired)

Advance registration is required for small group setting and preparations.

Hands-on training facilitated by Jennifer Leigh Smith, LMT, Certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher since 2009, Embodiment Coach (2023), Breathwork Facilitator (2023), and former metaphysical store owner/operator 2011-2016.

1:1 Reiki Training and Attunements, Level 1-3 (Prepay pkg $1199 includes mentoring and support)

Reiki Chakra Balance with Katy Rose (50min)

Reiki and progressive balancing of the body's main chakras to encourage alignment, centering, and grounding. 30 minutes with consultation surrounding.

In this session, we’ll discuss your goals or intentions. Acknowledge what you feel within your body and be open to a reset of your energy, awareness and deeper healing. Let's dedicate the intention to clear and allow this session to help process whatever needs to move through your energy body. Session begins with Reiki Thai (clothed) for side-lying twists and opening range of motion, back-spine work, then vibrational therapy with optional breathwork face up.

Session flows following your expression of what you are feeling (since previous session) and current goals. Bodywork with focus on breath, include somatic awareness (physical body sensations + thoughts/feelings), if open/desired level of work.

Acupressure or Thai meridian compression releases disruptions in energy flow and discomfort from stagnation. May include joint rotation, light stretching, techniques over the clothing that leave you feeling more relaxed, lighter or more open in your body.

Energy Healing, Reiki, Breath + Sound Therapy (45min, Jen)

Energy guided. Gemstones promote healing the chakra system. Reiki encourages self-healing and a state of equilibrium for Body, Mind and Spirit. Minimal or no-touch session. Vibrations of crystal singing bowls, Chiron, Venus, Neptunes gongs flow through the body to assist clearing any stagnation, blockages or imbalances in energetic meridians or pathways. Add your intention to session, may lead pathway to greater self-awareness, growth and peace. This does not replace professional medical care.