Self-empowerment is needed now more than ever. When you remember your heart, your Soul and what you are capable of doing here - you can make a difference in this world.
Encouraging it’s time for self-empowering to change our world for the better, 11/6/2024
Center (or ground) Yourself with your BREATH.
Conscious breath adjusts your AWARENESS back into your body - the only thing/place you have ANY CONTROL over. SLOW it down. Your breath, that is. Then make shifts in your perspective - from this place of calm centeredness.
Consistency builds strength for mental and emotional discipline. Which will keep you self-accountable to any changes you are making in your life for the better. Whatever the reason, you landed on this page because you are shifting into improving your relationship with yourSELF for greater quality of life. Yay!
Tips to maintain your SELF-CARE
Many of us have been doing deep work through our 'stuff' and we realize that making the process of BEING at inner peace with our health and where we are at needs to be easier and quicker for others. Thankfully in the past few years more great books and resources are online now!
1 - Check in with your SELF. Slow down and pull back DOingness (automatic routine processes and habits).
2 - Appreciate the Pause. Start adding in ((daily)) TIME to BE STILL with your SELF.
3 - What do you notice?
Physically : your body, ANY feelings/sensations/discomfort?
Mentally : Are your thoughts POSITIVE or NEGATIVE? Are you overthinking,ruminating or looping through the past or possible future? Are you questioning or searching for something??
Emotionally : Do you feel calm or return to calm easily or become easily overwhelmed? Do you express your emotions fully or tuck them away/bottle them up?
Spiritually :Are you comfortable with your beliefs/values? Do you FEEL CONNECTED to anything? Does something feel like it's missing or like there's MORE to life than this?
Affirmations.... Question and Listen
Create statements that help you remedy any challlenges you are clearing. Example affirmations:
I am safe to speak my truth and express my creativity now!
I accept myself fully now and am loving the life I created where I get to EMBODY wholeness!
I have more than enough time to heal and grow and to create happiness each day.
I am living in the present and focused on connecting to my greater wisdom and highest self.
NEXT LEVEL: Turn your affirmation into a question and listen for the body's response. Or the universe bringing synchroncities to help lead you to your answers.
How do accept and integrate my shadow self now? Embrace "being tested" or challenges as opportunities to grow and level up.

Holistic Healing includes a variety of wellness services to encourage a healthy Mind-body connection, including tune into internal felt senses, thoughts and memories stored within the body (we all have issues/trauma and emotions stored within our tissues).
Chronic pain, auto-immune disorders and/or digestive issues are managed better with self-care education, tools and ongoing support.
We encourage personal discernment on choice of services and openness to experience over judgement. Spiritual healing work is intended to complement your religious beliefs, wherever you may be and without limitation. Let your experiences help you choose the next step in your journey. Holistic Journey Healing Collective providers are here to support and encourage you.
Let us know if you have a question or need help with a starting point. Email: To stay informed about various classes and events, subscribe to newsletter or follow us on Fb or Instagram.